Join us today for Coffee with the Principals from 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM. Acompáñenos hoy para el Café con los Directores de 11:30 AM a 12:30 PM.
about 1 year ago, College and Career Preparatory Academy
Join us this Saturday, January 6th from 9:00 AM to 11:30 AM at our District Enrollment Fair! Share with your neighbor or a friend! ¡Acompáñenos este sábado 6 de enero de 9:00 AM a 11:30 AM en nuestra Feria de Inscripción del Distrito! ¡Compártalo con su vecino o amigo!
about 1 year ago, College and Career Preparatory Academy
Recruitment poster
Recruitment poster in Spanish
Join us for the first Coffee with the Principals of this semester on Thursday, January 4th. Acompáñenos para el primer Café con los Directores de este semestre el jueves 4 de enero.
about 1 year ago, College and Career Preparatory Academy
We look forward to welcoming our Empowerment High School staff and students back for the Spring semester. A reminder to students, the cell phone and uniform policies will be in place. Esperamos dar la bienvenida a nuestro personal y estudiantes de Empowerment High School para el semestre de primavera. Un recordatorio para los estudiantes, las políticas del teléfono celular y de los uniformes estarán vigentes.
about 1 year ago, College and Career Preparatory Academy
Save the date for Coffee with the Principals on Thursday, January 4th. Reserva la fecha para el Café con los Directores el jueves 4 de enero.
about 1 year ago, College and Career Preparatory Academy
Friday, Dec. 15th - No school for students. All SWPS campuses/ offices will be closed for Winter Break Dec 18-Jan 1. January 2nd – No school for students. Classes will resume January 3, 2024.
about 1 year ago, Southwest Public Schools
Calling all high school girls! Soccer tryouts are on Wednesday. ¡Llamando a todas las chicas de la preparatoria! Las pruebas de fútbol son este miércoles.
about 1 year ago, College and Career Preparatory Academy
Friday, December 8th is an Early Release Day! Our students are dismissed at 1:00 PM to give our dedicated teachers valuable time for training and collaboration.
over 1 year ago, Southwest Public Schools
Join us today for the Houston Food Bank free food distribution from 9am until supplies last in the main office parking lot. Acompáñenos hoy para la distribución gratuita de alimentos del Banco de Alimentos de Houston desde las 9 a.m. hasta agotar existencias en el estacionamiento de la oficina principal.
over 1 year ago, College and Career Preparatory Academy
Tomorrow, the Houston Food Bank mobile unit is coming to our campus. Invite your friends and neighbors to the free food distribution from 9am until supplies last in the main office parking lot. Mañana, la unidad móvil del Banco de Alimentos de Houston llegará a nuestra escuela. Invita a tus amigos y vecinos a la distribución de alimentos gratuitos de 9 am hasta agotar existencias en el estacionamiento de la oficina principal.
over 1 year ago, College and Career Preparatory Academy
This week, the Houston Food Bank mobile unit is coming to our campus. Invite your friends and neighbors to the free food distribution on Wednesday, December 6th from 9am until supplies last. Esta semana, la unidad móvil del Banco de Alimentos de Houston llegará a nuestra escuela. Invita a tus amigos y vecinos a la distribución de alimentos gratuitos el miércoles 6 de diciembre de 9 am hasta agotar existencias.
over 1 year ago, College and Career Preparatory Academy
Due to the weather and for the safety of our staff and parents, the Chat with the Principals scheduled for this evening has been canceled. Thank you for your understanding. Debido al clima y por la seguridad de nuestro personal y padres, el Café con los Directores programado para esta noche ha sido cancelada. Gracias por su comprensión.
over 1 year ago, College and Career Preparatory Academy
Save the date! The Houston Food Bank mobile unit is coming to our campus on Wednesday, December 6th. ¡Reserva la fecha! La unidad móvil del Banco de Alimentos de Houston llegará a nuestra escuela el miércoles 6 de diciembre.
over 1 year ago, College and Career Preparatory Academy
food bank
Are you looking for a school for your high school students? Join us today for a school tour from 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM and learn more about our academic programs and our enrollment process. ¿Está buscando una escuela para sus estudiantes de la preparatoria? Acompáñenos hoy para un recorrido escolar de 1:00 PM a 2:00 PM y obtenga más información sobre nuestros programas académicos y nuestro proceso de inscripción.
over 1 year ago, College and Career Preparatory Academy
Join us this week for Coffee with the Principals on Thursday, November 30, 2023. Acompañenos esta semana para Café con los Directores el jueves 30 de noviembre del 2023.
over 1 year ago, College and Career Preparatory Academy
announcement in Spanish
You’re invited to Coffee with the Principals on Thursday, November 30, 2023. Te invitamos a Café con los Directores el jueves 30 de noviembre del 2023.
over 1 year ago, College and Career Preparatory Academy
announcement in Spanish
This year we have partnered with the Houston Texans for a district fundraiser. A portion of each ticket sold through this exclusive offer will benefit our school. Scan the QR code or click the link in our bio. Este año nos hemos asociado con los Houston Texans para una recaudación de fondos para el distrito. Parte de cada boleto vendido a través de esta oferta exclusiva beneficiará a nuestra escuela. Escanea el código QR o haz clic en el enlace en nuestra biografía.
over 1 year ago, College and Career Preparatory Academy
Interested in enrolling your student at Empowerment High School for the 2024-2025 school year? Join us today for a school tour from 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM and learn about our campus. ¿Está interesado en inscribir a su estudiante en Empowerment High School para el año escolar 2024-2025? Acompáñenos hoy para un recorrido escolar de 1:00 PM a 2:00 PM y aprenda sobre nuestra escuela.
over 1 year ago, College and Career Preparatory Academy
Friday, November 17th is an Early Release Day! Our students are dismissed at 1:00 PM. All campuses and district offices will be closed for Thanksgiving Break November 20th - 24th. Classes will resume Monday, November 27th.
over 1 year ago, Southwest Public Schools
Seniors, don’t forget the next session with Cafecollege Houston is this Friday, November 17th, 2023. Sign up is outside Mr. Garcia’s classroom. Estudiantes del grado 12 no olviden que la próxima sesión con Cafecollege Houston es este viernes 17 de noviembre del 2023. La hoja de inscripción se encuentra afuera del salón de clases de Mr. Garcia.
over 1 year ago, College and Career Preparatory Academy